Mrs Tan

Mrs Tan operates from a private studio or can travel to spray tan clients. Mrs Tan only uses high quality tanning solution that always looks amazing!

Gone are the days of frying yourself in Australia's harsh sun just to have a bit of a glow. Spray tanning is the safe alternative to maintaining your tan without the harmful effects of the sun.
Mrs Tan specialises in Spray Tanning and operates from a private studio. There is a separate driveway and entrance for clients and a relaxing deck/waiting area for group bookings. Mrs Tan only uses high quality tanning solutions and clients have the choice of either 2 hour or 4 hour tan developing times (before they wash off). The actual spray tanning time only takes 5 minutes.
Mrs Tan is also available for tanning parties, hens nights, weddings and any special occasion where you want to be bronzed without damaging your skin. She can also do mobile spray tanning and can travel to you.
Give Mrs Tan a go - You wont regret it!!! :)

Spas/beauty/personal care